Scientists discover quantum oscillations in correlated insulators

Quantum oscillations in correlated insulator at v = -2. Credit: YANG Wei Quantum oscillations (QOs) of conductance in the magnetic field are widely observed in mesoscopic devices thanks to the…

Experiment shows Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox scales up

Electron spin measured for the first time

Three perspectives of the surface on which the electrons move. On the left, the experimental result, in the center and on the right the theoretical modeling. The red and blue…

Research takes first steps towards realizing mechanical qubits

A platform for an array of 36 mechanical resonator devices. A nano-resonator is fabricated and connected electrically in one of the sections of this array. The entire pieces is then…

Researchers ‘split’ phonons in step toward new type of quantum computer

Artist’s impression of a platform for linear mechanical quantum computing (LMQC). The central transparent element is a phonon beam splitter. Blue and red marbles represent individual phonons, which are the…

How Schrödinger’s cat makes better qubits

An illustration of Schrödinger’s cat code. Credit: Vincenzo Savona (EPFL) Quantum computing uses the principles of quantum mechanics to encode and elaborate data, meaning that it could one day solve…

Physicists discover an exotic material made of bosons

Calculation shows why heavy quarks get caught up in the flow

The data points on this graph show that the interactions of heavy quarks (Q) with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) are strongest and have a short mean free path (zig zags)…

Revolutionizing optical control with topological edge states

Manipulating topological edge states for optical channel switcher. Credit: Bing-Cong Xu Nanophotonics and topology have generated significant interest due to the unique properties they offer. One area of focus is…

A simple solution for nuclear matter in two dimensions

In dense nuclear matter, quarks “line up,” becoming essentially one-dimensional. Calculations considering that single dimension plus time can track how low energy excitations ripple through nuclear matter. Credit: Brookhaven National…