How fast is the universe really expanding? Multiple views of an exploding star raise new questions

Each of the four yellow dots is a separate image of Supernova Refsdal, which lies behind the bright blob of a galaxy cluster in the centre of the picture. Credit:…

DNA project gives scientists diverse genome for comparison

Credit: CC0 Public Domain For two decades, scientists have been comparing every person’s full set of DNA they study to a template that relies mostly on genetic material from one…

The Sonoran Desert toad can alter your mind — it’s not the only animal

The adage “all attention is good attention” may be true for marketers — not so for the Sonoran Desert toad. Last fall, the U.S. National Park Service sent out a…

Laboratory solar flares reveal clues to bursts of high-energy particles from space

Simulating solar flares on a scale the size of a banana, U.S. National Science Foundation-supported researchers at Caltech have parsed out how these massive explosions blast potentially harmful energetic particles and X-rays into…

Both metabolically healthy and unhealthy forms of obesity found to increase risk of obesity-related cancers

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New research to be presented at this coming week’s European Congress on Obesity in Dublin, Ireland (May 17–20) and published in the Journal of the National…

Symphony of Synapses: The Brain’s Intricate Dance with Music

Summary: Music engages a multitude of brain areas, showcasing a complex interplay between auditory processing, emotion, and memory centers. It elicits emotions through the release of dopamine, our brain’s pleasure…

Stress Hormone in Pregnancy Bolsters Child’s Early Language Skills

Summary: Higher cortisol levels, a stress hormone, during the third trimester of pregnancy may boost speech and language skills in early childhood. A new study analyzed data from over 1,000…

Astronomers just saw a star eat a planet—an astrophysicist on the team explains the first-of-its-kind discovery

For the first time, astronomers have captured images that show a star consuming one of its planets. The star, named ZTF SLRN-2020, is located in the Milky Way galaxy, in…

Binge eating linked to habit circuitry in the brain

Types of eating behavior and binge eating frequency. Relationship between Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire a) Restrained (ρ=-0.11, p=0.55), b) Emotional (ρ=0.32, p=0.063), and c) Externally Driven Eating (ρ=0.44, p=0.0092) with…

Linda Yaccarino to bring vaunted ad skills to Twitter

Newly announced Twitter chief Linda Yaccarino told Elon Musk during a recent marketing conference interview that content moderation and safety are part of a formula to get advertisers to spend…