Ultralow temperature terahertz microscope capabilities could enable better quantum technology

Terahertz microscope with cryogenic insert. Credit: Department of Energy Ames National Laboratory A team of scientists from the Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory have developed a way to collect…

Increased efficiency for solar cells with depth-based property analysis

A roadmap for restoring functional ecosystems using ecosystem engineers – Functional Ecologists

Dr. Gianalberto Losapio from the University of Lausanne and University of Milan discusses with us their recently accepted paper “Monitoring and modelling the effects of ecosystem engineers on ecosystem functioning,”…

Where do psychedelics users find trusted information?

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Against the backdrop of some 50 years of legal prohibitions, interest and activity surrounding psychedelics has been surging in recent decades. From new clinical research into…

Proposed perovskite-based device combines aspects of electronics and photonics

By sandwiching bits of perovskite between two mirrors and stimulating them with laser beams, researchers were able to directly control the spin state of quasiparticles known as exciton-polariton pairs, which…

Deja Vu – Climate Weekly

Sign up to get our weekly newsletter straight to your inbox, plus breaking news, investigations and extra bulletins from key events The Cop28 presidency has teamed up with the fossil fuel…

Brazil’s internet bill row, explained

Companies like Telegram, whose logo is pictured here on a smartphone, and Google say their business is threatened by a new bill in Brazil aimed at regulating disinformation online. Messaging…

Does GMO corn increase crop yields? More than 20 years of data confirm it does — and provides substantial health and safety benefits

While many studies show that genetically modified crops contribute to yield gains, GMO critics say that they don’t. Such claims, they say, are industry talking points drawn from industry-funded studies.…

Astronomers reveal the largest cosmic explosion ever seen

Artist impression of a black hole accretion. Credit: John A. Paice, johnapaice.com A team of astronomers led by the University of Southampton has uncovered the largest cosmic explosion ever witnessed.…

Research pinpoints the time of year and hour when people have the strongest suicidal thoughts

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New research has identified the month when people have the strongest suicidal thoughts, and that these thoughts occur a few months before the peak of suicide…