These dolphins may turn to corals for skin care

On her deep-sea dives, wildlife biologist Angela Ziltener of the University of Zurich often noticed Indo-Pacific bottlenosed dolphins doing something intriguing. The dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) would line up to take…

How some sunscreens damage coral reefs

One common chemical in sunscreen can have devastating effects on coral reefs. Now, scientists know why. Sea anemones, which are closely related to corals, and mushroom coral can turn oxybenzone…

Can dietary supplements help fight stress, improve mood and quality of life?

Stress is the plague of modern society. Stress is the state of tension caused by the fear of being unable to cope with a particular situation. People under pressure, often…

Corals may store a surprising amount of microplastics in their skeletons

A surprising amount of plastic pollution in the ocean may wind up in a previously overlooked spot: the skeletons of living corals.  Up to about 20,000 metric tons of tiny…

Corals may store a surprising amount of microplastics in their skeletons

A surprising amount of plastic pollution in the ocean may wind up in a previously overlooked spot: the skeletons of living corals.  Up to about 20,000 metric tons of tiny…

An incredibly resilient coral in the Great Barrier Reef offers hope for the future

A coral the size of a carousel is the widest known in the Great Barrier Reef. Found just off the coast of Goolboodi Island in Northeast Australia, this reef-building Porites…

A common antibiotic slows a mysterious coral disease

Slathering corals in a common antibiotic seems to temporarily soothe a mysterious tissue-eating disease, new research suggests. Just off Florida, a type of coral infected with stony coral tissue loss…

Corals’ hidden genetic diversity corresponds to distinct lifestyles

Stony corals that build reefs have been hiding their diversity in plain sight. A genetic analysis of the most widespread reef coral in the Indo-Pacific revealed that rather than being…

Probiotics help lab corals survive deadly heat stress

Warming seas threaten to turn coral reefs from kaleidoscopes of color into bleached fields of rubble. To stop this degradation, some scientists are exploring a surprising salve: probiotics. Dosing corals…

Corals’ hidden genetic diversity corresponds to distinct lifestyles

Stony corals that build reefs have been hiding their diversity in plain sight. A genetic analysis of the most widespread reef coral in the Indo-Pacific revealed that rather than being…