Diamond device shows highest breakdown voltage

Diamond semiconductor device (4 mm x 4 mm in size). Credit: The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign To reach the world’s goal of carbon neutrality…

New study shows how heat can be used in computing

Video genre that focuses on everyday life is everywhere—and not slowing down

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain “Get Ready with Me”—to go on a date, go to work or … get fired? “Get Ready with Me” videos are everywhere these days, and they’re…

Creating artistic collages using reinforcement learning

The “Color Face” made of newspapers, source image from pixabay.com/photos/girl-face-colorful-colors-artistic-2696947 . Credit: Dai et al. Researchers at Seoul National University have recently tried to train an artificial intelligence (AI) agent…

Pentagon’s AI initiatives accelerate hard decisions on lethal autonomous weapons.

The Longshot, an air-launched unmanned aircraft that General Atomics is developing with the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency for use in tandem with piloted Air Force jets, is displayed at…

A tin-based tandem electrocatalyst for the synthesis of ethanol via CO₂ reduction

New Treatment for COVID-Induced Smell Loss

Summary: A new study presents a promising treatment for restoring the sense of smell in long-COVID patients. The study explores the effectiveness of CT-guided stellate ganglion block, a minimally invasive…

Hikikomori: New Tool Sheds Light on Social Isolation Phenomenon

Summary: Researchers developed the Hikikomori Diagnostic Evaluation (HiDE), a new assessment tool for identifying pathological social withdrawal or hikikomori. This condition, initially identified in Japan, is characterized by extended physical…

Partisan Media Bias Shapes AI Sentiment

Summary: Researchers uncovered how partisan media sentiment influences public perception of artificial intelligence (AI). They analyzed over 7,500 articles from both liberal and conservative media, finding that liberal-leaning media exhibit…

Using AI as a guide for the better manufacturing of perovskite solar cells

Assisted by AI methods, researchers are striving to improve the manufacturing processes for highly efficient perovskite solar cells. Credit: Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT Tandem solar cells based on perovskite semiconductors convert…