Electric light transmits data 100 times faster than Wi-Fi

Organic visible light communication system based on mixed white light illumination and color-selective OPDs fabricated with OLEDs. Credit: POSTECH Li-fi, a communication technology harnessing visible light for data transmission, has…

Legal battles loom as first Mickey Mouse copyright ends

Later, more sophisticated iterations of Mickey Mouse, such as those seen in 1940 Disney feature ‘Fantasia,’ are not in the public domain, and cannot be copied. Almost a century after…

China’s Huawei says expects revenue up almost nine percent in 2023

Huawei has been at the center of an intense standoff between China and the United States. Chinese tech giant Huawei said Friday it “weathered the storm” of US sanctions as…

Eating with Your Eyes and Gut? How Your Brain Decides When to Eat

Summary: The science of eating behavior goes beyond hunger cues; it involves sensory stimuli, internal signals, and the gut-brain connection. External cues like food packaging and advertisements influence our eating…

Our smart devices will soon be smarter

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Our smart devices take voice commands from us, check our heartbeats, track our sleep, translate text, send us reminders, capture photos and movies, and let us…

Can large language models detect sarcasm?

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Large language models (LLMs) are advanced deep learning algorithms that can analyze prompts in various human languages, subsequently generating realistic and exhaustive answers. This promising class…

Researchers use AI chatbots against themselves to ‘jailbreak’ each other

NTU Ph.D. student Mr. Liu Yi, who co-authored the paper, shows a database of successful jailbreaking prompts which managed to compromise AI chatbots, causing them to produce information that their…

Piezo composites with carbon fibers for motion sensors

The principle, structural design, and application of unidirectional carbon fiber-reinforced flexible piezoelectric nanocomposite materials. Credit: Tohoku University An international research group has engineered a novel, high-strength flexible device by combining…

Embracing Intellectual Humility – Neuroscience News

Summary: Intellectual humility, characterized by an awareness of one’s cognitive limitations and openness to revising beliefs, plays a pivotal role in various aspects of human life. This quality encompasses being…

The AI industry is on the verge of becoming another boys’ club. We’re all going to lose out if it does

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A recent New York Times article released a list of people “behind the dawn of the modern artificial intelligence movement”—and not a single woman was named.…