Suicide has reached epidemic proportions in the US − yet medical students still don’t receive adequate training to treat suicidal patients

Suicide in the U.S. is a societal epidemic and a staggering public health crisis that demands attention from medical experts. In 2021, someone in the U.S. died by suicide every…

Sleep can give athletes an edge over competitors − but few recognize how fundamental sleep is to performance

In the adrenaline-packed world of professional sports, the power of sleep rarely gets adequate attention. A healthy sleep pattern can be a stealthy game plan for athletes to gain an…

Eating disorders are the most lethal mental health conditions – reconnecting with internal body sensations can help reduce self-harm

Did you know that anorexia is the most lethal mental health condition? One person dies from an eating disorder every hour in the U.S. Many of these deaths are not…

Backlash to transgender health care isn’t new − but the faulty science used to justify it has changed to meet the times

In the past century, there have been three waves of opposition to transgender health care. In 1933, when the Nazis rose to power, they cracked down on transgender medical research…

Telehealth makes timely abortions possible for many, research shows

Access to telehealth abortion care can determine whether a person can obtain an abortion in the United States. For young people and those living on low incomes, telehealth makes a…

Nonprofit hospitals have an obligation to help their communities, but the people who live nearby may see little benefit

Does living near a hospital make you more likely to get the health care you need? Even though the federal government requires nonprofit hospitals to regularly assess the health needs…

Popularly known as ‘gas station heroin,’ tianeptine is being sold as a dietary supplement – with deadly outcomes

The Food and Drug Administration is upping the urgency of its warnings for consumers to avoid purchasing or consuming tianeptine – commonly called “gas station heroin” – a synthetic drug…

Treatment can do more harm than good for prostate cancer − why active surveillance may be a better option for some

Although about 1 in 8 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime, only about 1 in 44 will die from it. Most men diagnosed…

A TikTok ‘expert’ says you have post-traumatic stress disorder − but do you? A trauma psychiatrist explains what PTSD really is and how to seek help

Among the many emerging trends on social media, one recent concerning fad is a casual and often inaccurate portrayal of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD – along with…

Think wine is a virtue, not a vice? Nutrition label information surprised many US consumers

When you reach for that bottle of wine this Valentine’s Day, do you know how healthy it is? Many people have a too-rosy view of the beverage and are surprised…