Seeing the human in every patient − from biblical texts to 21st century relational medicine

Patients frequently describe the U.S. health care system as impersonal, corporate and fragmented. One study even called the care delivered to many vulnerable patients “inhumane.” Seismic changes caused by the…

Stories about war, violence and hate crime can cause anxiety, anger and depression in kids — here’s how to discuss bad news with your children

Violent photos and videos – whether from conflicts abroad or shootings near home – are commonplace, even ubiquitous, on television and social media today. The impact on children can be…

Radiation therapy takes advantage of cancer’s poor DNA repair abilities – an oncologist and physicist explain how

Nearly half of all cancer patients undergo radiation therapy as part of their care. Ionizing radiation, or the emission of high-energy waves or particles, works as a therapy by damaging…

Cardio or weights first? A kinesiologist explains how to optimize the order of your exercise routine

When you enter the gym, which way should you head first? Toward the treadmills and spin studio to get your sweat on with a cardio session? Or toward the free…

California banned sales of flavored e-cigarettes in 2022 − but a new study finds online stores are still selling them, even to kids

Californians – including minors – are still able to buy flavored electronic cigarettes online, even after the state’s much-publicized ban went into effect. That’s the key finding of my team’s…

For many who are suffering with prolonged grief, the holidays can be a time to reflect and find meaning in loss

The holiday season is meant to be filled with joy, connection and celebration of rituals. Many people, however, are starkly reminded of their grief this time of year and of…

Do you eat with your eyes, your gut or your brain? A neuroscientist explains how to listen to your hunger during the holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and with it, opportunities to indulge in festive treats. The proverbial saying “you eat with your eyes first” seems particularly relevant at this time…

Why do some men commit domestic violence? Trauma and social isolation may play a role

Support for survivors of domestic violence is important, but to end domestic violence once and for all, society needs to understand the people who perpetrate it and how to successfully…

Teaching positive psychology skills at school may be one way to help student mental health and happiness

Youth mental health has worsened significantly over the past decade, but new interventions that teach positive psychology concepts in school may help. American young people are reporting historically high levels…

Students could get more sleep and learn better if school started a little later

Nearly three-quarters of high school students do not get enough sleep on school nights, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that teens…