Wildfire smoke leaves harmful gases in floors and walls − air purifiers aren’t enough, new study shows, but you can clean it up

When wildfire smoke turns the air brown and hazy, you might think about heading indoors with the windows closed, running an air purifier or even wearing a mask. These are…

Steep physical decline with age is not inevitable – here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

Raise your hand if you regularly find yourself walking up a flight of stairs. What about carrying heavy bags of groceries? How about picking up your child or grandchild? Most…

Philadelphia bans supervised injection sites – evidence suggests keeping drug users on the street could do more harm than good

The United States remains tightly in the grasp of an ongoing, and escalating, crisis of deaths caused by opioid overdoses. With a record-high 109,000 people dying in 2022, it is…

Horseshoe crab blood is vital for testing intravenous drugs, but new synthetic alternatives could mean pharma won’t bleed this unique species dry

If you have ever gotten a vaccine or received an intravenous drug and did not come down with a potentially life-threatening fever, you can thank a horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).…

Vaccines against COVID-19, the seasonal flu and RSV are our best chance of preventing a winter surge

As cold and flu season ramps up, health care experts are once again on high alert for the possibility of a tripledemic, or a surge brought on by the respiratory…

Are people born with good balance? A physical therapist explains the systems that help keep you on your toes

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to curiouskidsus@theconversation.com. Are people born with good…

Health on the ballot as Argentina poised to elect ‘anarcho-capitalist’ bent on slashing social protections

The front-runner heading into Argentina’s presidential vote on Oct. 22 is prone to wielding a chain saw – both physically and metaphorically. Javier Milei, a right-wing libertarian whose brash demagoguery…

Why are thousands of Kaiser health care workers on strike? 5 questions answered

More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente health care workers began a three-day strike in Virginia, California, Colorado, Washington state, Oregon and Washington, D.C., on Oct. 4, 2023, after company executives and…

The ‘Zoom effect’ and the possible link between videochatting and appearance dissatisfaction

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era of digital connection: In the absence of in-person gatherings, many people instead found themselves face-to-face with their co-workers and loved ones on…

Being told where their blood ends up encourages donors to give again – new research

Telling people who have donated blood when and where the blood was used makes them more likely to do it again, according to our new study. Donors who got details…