New high-tech helmets may protect American football players from debilitating concussions

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Millions of people in the US are concussed every year playing sports. Players of games like American football are at particularly high risk for injuries that…

Confidence in vaccines has plummeted in Africa since the pandemic, shows eight-country study

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Public confidence in vaccines has plunged across sub-Saharan Africa since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study of 17,000 people, across eight countries, published today in…

Toltec settlement uncovered near Tula |

Archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have uncovered a Toltec settlement in the town of El Salitre near the Toltec regional centre of Tula. Tula was…

Childhood IQ and Wealth: Uncovering Diverse Financial Paths in Adulthood

Summary: Cognitive ability in childhood correlates differently with various aspects of financial wellbeing in adulthood. Researchers analyzed data from 5,858 individuals, considering their cognitive skills at age 10 and their…

Trial finds chatbots have mixed effectiveness in increasing COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Asia

Flow diagram of the randomized controlled trial in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Flowchart presenting the number of participants assessed, enrolled, randomized, lost to follow-up, and analyzed in each child…

WHO’s recommendation against the use of artificial sweeteners for weight loss leaves many questions unanswered

Do low-calorie sweeteners help with weight management? And are they safe for long-term use? This is among the most controversial topics in nutritional science. In early May 2023, the World…

One-month of COVID-19 lockdown cost heart attack patients up to two years of life

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Patients who had heart attacks during the first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK and Spain are predicted to live 1.5 and 2 years less, respectively, than…

Long COVID can impact fatigue and quality of life worse than some cancers, finds new study

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Fatigue is the symptom that most significantly impacts the daily lives of long COVID patients, and can affect quality of life more than some cancers, finds…

Mice study shows middle-brain region prompts females to kill or care for their young

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A middle-brain region tied to the control of emotions likely prompts females to kill their young, a new study in mice shows. With the region also…

Mounting research documents the harmful effects of social media use on mental health, including body image and development of eating disorders

Media influences and conventional beauty standards have long plagued society. This issue took on new urgency in May 2023 when the U.S. surgeon general issued a major public advisory over…