Belugas may communicate by warping a blob of forehead fat

The beluga whale wears its heart on its sleeve — or rather, its forehead. Researchers have created a visual encyclopedia of the different expressions that belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in captivity…

This newfound longhorn beetle species is unusually fluffy

Meet Excastra albopilosa, a newly identified species of longhorn beetle that rocks an unusually fluffy white coat. Discovered in Australia, the fuzzy-looking arthropod also has distinct, separated eye lobes, short…

In a first, these crab spiders appear to collaborate, creating camouflage

Some crab spiders have ditched webs for flowers. Masters of disguise, female Thomisus guangxicus spiders blend in with petals, which allows the arachnids to nab insects that pass by while…

Flowers receive and transmit electrical signals from pollinators

Flowering plants may have a secret power for knowing when to lure pollinators. They could act as antennas for bees’ electrical signals and transmit those signals through the soil, biophysicist…

Eavesdropping on fish could help us keep better tabs on underwater worlds

Scientists are on a quest to log all the sounds of fish communication. The result could lead to better monitoring of ecosystems and fish behavior.

Here’s why roller pigeons do backflips

Atoosa Samani started learning about pigeon genetics at a young age. She grew up surrounded by pet pigeons in Isfahan, a city in central Iran famed for its pigeon towers.…

Chickadees use memory ‘bar codes’ to find their hidden food stashes

Much like squirrels, black-capped chickadees hide their food, keeping track of many thousands of little treasures wedged into cracks or holes in tree bark. When a bird returns to one…

Here’s how magnetic fields shape desert ants’ brains

For desert ants, Earth’s magnetic field isn’t just a compass: It may also sculpt their brains. Stepping outside their nest for the first time, young ants need to learn how…

By fluttering its wings, this bird uses body language to message its mate

Be it an arched eyebrow, a shaken head or a raised finger, humans wordlessly communicate complex ideas through gestures every day. This ability is rare in the animal kingdom, having…

Dogs know words for their favorite toys

Dogs may know more than they let on. Pet dogs’ brains displayed neural signs of surprise when their owners showed them an unexpected toy. The findings, published March 22 in…