Scientists eavesdrop on a South American forest to find a missing bird

How do you look for an animal you don’t even know exists anymore? The last sighting of the purple-winged ground dove (Paraclaravis geoffroyi) — a small, bamboo-loving dove native to…

A Brazilian mountain is home to a surprising number of parasitic wasps

The tropics are teeming with life, tending to hold far more species than milder environments closer to the poles. But one group of insects, the Darwin wasps, were thought to…

Some picky Australian mosquitoes may target frog nostrils for blood

An Australian mosquito species knows the best spot to drink its bloody meals: a frog’s nostril. The bloodsuckers are surprisingly selective when dining on frogs, seemingly picking no other place…

These bats are the only mammals known to mate more like birds

As the only mammals that can fly, bats are the oddballs of the mammalian world. But serotine bats stand out for another, glaringly obvious reason — when erect, a male’s…

The first embryos from a mammal have now been grown in space

Saima Iqbal is the fall 2023 science writing intern at Science News. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College, where she studied the history of medicine, conducted research on…

Crabs left the sea not once, but several times, in their evolution

Most terrestrial plants and animals left the ocean a single time in their evolutionary history to live ashore. But crabs have seemingly scuttled out of the sea more than a…

Bonobos, like humans, cooperate with unrelated members of other groups

Humans regularly cooperate and share resources with other, unrelated humans in different social groups, often without any immediate, reciprocated benefits. The phenomenon has been considered unique to our species. But…

How hummingbirds fly through spaces too narrow for their wings

Hummingbirds are natural acrobats, twisting their wings in ways that let them fly backward and upside down, unlike any other bird (SN: 1/13/16). New high-speed video now shows how, using…

Head lice hitched a ride on humans to the Americas at least twice

Lice have been bugging humans for as long as our species has been around, and the insects’ genes record the story of their hosts’ global voyages, a study finds.  Lice…

The mysterious deaths of dozens of Zimbabwe’s elephants has been solved

Three years ago, dozens of African elephants mysteriously died in Zimbabwe. Now scientists have confirmed their killer: a rare and little-known bacterium that can cause organ inflammation leading to deadly…