A rare rabbit plays an important ecological role by spreading seeds

A crucial link in the life cycle of one parasitic plant may be found in a surprising place — the bellies of the descendants of an ancient line of rabbits.…

Reflections on the U.N. Global Biodiversity Conference

A CNPS COP15 Update CNPS staff in Montreal for the United Nations 15th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15). Pictured left to right: CNPS IPA…

Threatened by Mining, A Tiny Daisy Needs Your Help

By Maria Jesus For many botanists and plant lovers, our sense of place is inextricably linked to the plants that grow there. It’s difficult to imagine the Northern California coast…

Why dandelion seeds are so good at spreading widely

You don’t need a dandelion to know which way the wind blows. But it can help. On any given dandelion, some seeds are destined to go north, while others are…

Yes, You Can Create a Native Plant Garden!

Have you always wanted to start a native plant garden, but don’t know where to start? It can seem daunting to figure out which plant is suited for the right…

Save Our Sequoias Act Poses More Threat than Promise

By Susan Britting and Isabella Langone Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) at the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias; Image: Jeff Bisbee In the last two years, California’s leaders have allocated unprecedented…

A Caribbean island gets everyone involved in protecting beloved species

The coral reef, once bustling with more than 5,000 long-spined sea urchins, became a ghost town in a matter of days. White skeletons with dangling spines dotted the reef near…

A Caribbean island gets everyone involved in protecting beloved species

The coral reef, once bustling with more than 5,000 long-spined sea urchins, became a ghost town in a matter of days. White skeletons with dangling spines dotted the reef near…

How Kenyans help themselves and the planet by saving mangrove trees

On the fringe of Kenya’s Gazi village, 50 kilometers south of Mombasa, Mwatime Hamadi walks barefoot on a path of scorching-hot sand toward a thicket of trees that seem to…

Proposed Federal Wildfire Actions Threaten Environmental Protections

By Nick Jensen and Brendan Wilce Los Padres National Forest – Upper Fir Canyon and Hurricane Deck; Image: Bryant Baker/Los Padres ForestWatch California’s wildfire seasons are longer and more extreme…