Newfound bat skeletons are the oldest on record

Two fossilized bat skeletons unearthed in western Wyoming represent a new species and are the oldest set of bat bones yet discovered, researchers say. The incredibly complete fossils of Icaronycteris…

Videos of gold nanoparticles snapping together show how some crystals grow

Mesmerizing videos offer a new look at the ways crystals form. The real-time clips, described March 30 in Nature Nanotechnology, show closeup views of microscopic gold particles tumbling, sliding and…

U.S. honeybees had the worst winter die-off in more than a decade

U.S. honeybees just weathered an unusually bad winter. About 38 percent of beekeepers’ colonies died between October 1, 2018, and April 1, 2019, the Bee Informed Partnership estimates.  While it…

Birds fed a common pesticide lost weight rapidly and had migration delays

The world’s most widely used insecticides may delay the migrations of songbirds and hurt their chances of mating. In the first experiment to track the effects of a neonicotinoid on…

The U.S. is still using many pesticides that are banned in other countries

Compared with other global agricultural powerhouses, the United States has lax restrictions on potentially harmful pesticides, a study suggests. An analysis of agricultural pesticide regulations reveals that the United States…

Can Silicon Valley entrepreneurs make crickets the next chicken?

Trina Chiasson was raised in a log cabin, learned to spin plates in Chicago’s circus arts community, dreamed up a software company and three years later sold it to a…

A major crop pest can make tomato plants lie to their neighbors

Don’t blame the tomato. Tiny pests called silverleaf whiteflies can make a tomato plant spread deceptive scents that leave its neighbors vulnerable to attach. Sap-sucking Bemisia tabaci, an invasive menace…

Air pollution case breathing problem

Urban animals may get some dangerous gut microbes from humans

Animals moving into the big city could be getting more than they bargained for. Gut microorganisms from humans in cities may be spilling over into urban wildlife, potentially putting the…

An Arctic hare traveled at least 388 kilometers in a record-breaking journey

Arctic hares can go the distance. A member of Lepus arcticus in northern Canada has traveled farther than anyone knew possible. BBYY, as the adult female was known, made a…