Illustration of the theory used to model quantum gravity: The lattice simulates a curved space-time—near the boundary, the lattice is denser due to the curvature. The interacting electrical signals (yellow,…
Category: Physics
Research finds surprisingly simple relationship
by Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo Diagram of a boundary surface shows how in order to transmit energy, information must also…
Floquet engineering tunes ultracold molecule interactions and produces two-axis twisting dynamics
Pulse sequences for generating two-axis twisting rotate the spins of KRb molecules, transforming the spin exchange interactions. Credit: Steven Burrows/Ye Group The interactions between quantum spins underlie some of the…
Latent information carried by photons enables super-precise spectrometer
Frequency lens using multiple diffraction on a diffraction grating. The light pulse is transformed in a frequency analogous to the light beam passing through the real lens (fot. M. Lipka,…
Physicists achieve ultrafast steering of quantum-entangled electrons
Sketch of the dissociative photoionization of molecular hydrogen using combined IR and XUV laser pulses with variable delay (white arrow). Credit: MPIK Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear…
Discovery of a new phase of matter in 2D defies normal statistical mechanics
The quasiperiodic landscape in which the new Bose glass forms, similar to a Penrose tiling. Credit: Many-body Quantum Dynamics Lab / Cavendish Laboratory Physicists from the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge…
Scientists Turn On Powerful New Machine for Study
Newswise — After nearly a decade of preparation, scientists – including researchers from Rutgers University – have turned on a new apparatus capable of detecting a host of mysterious tiny…