Scientists create ultracompact polarization-entangled photon sources for miniaturized quantum devices

by Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS

New research suggests a way to capture physicists’ most wanted particle—gravitons

Study proposes generalized approach to light-matter interactions

Test of a prototype quantum internet runs under New York City for half a month

CAPTION: Map of the GothamQ network under New York City boroughs. Credit: Physics Magazine via APS To introduce quantum networks into the marketplace, engineers must overcome the fragility of entangled…

Researcher explores how you can stretch your mind to grasp quantum entanglement

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain My new article, “Quantum Entanglement of Optical Photons: The First Experiment, 1964–67,” is intended to convey the spirit of a small research project that reaches into…

Using machine learning to speed up simulations of

Newswise — Simulating particles is a relatively simple task when those particles are spherical. In the real world, however, most particles are not perfect spheres but take on irregular and…

Superconductivity Is Unpredictable at the Edge

The Science Newswise — Topological materials are materials that have unusual properties that arise because their wavefunction—the physical law guiding the electrons—is knotted or twisted. Where the topological material meets the…

Unconventional interface superconductor could benefit quantum computing

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A multi-institutional team of scientists in the United States, led by physicist Peng Wei at the University of California, Riverside, has developed a new superconductor material…

Could we ever harness quantum vacuum energy?

Illustration depicting quantum entanglement between particles. Credit: ATLAS Experiment The fabric of spacetime is roiling with vibrating quantum fields, known as vacuum energy. It’s right there, everywhere we look. But…

How Particles of Light May Be Producing Drops of the Perfect Liquid

Newswise — The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator may be producing the world’s tiniest droplets of liquid, right under scientists’ noses. Researchers supported by the Department of Energy’s…