Physicists achieve first demonstration of non-Abelian anyons in a quantum processor

by Anne J. Manning, Harvard Gazette Inside the chamber of the Quantinuum H2 quantum processor. Credit: Quantinuum Our physical, 3D world consists of just two types of particles: bosons, which…

Developing doubly sustainable quantum computers

Researchers achieve breakthrough in silicon-compatible magnetic whirls

Artistic impression of magnetic whirls, such as merons and antimerons, generated in a free-standing and flexible membrane of hematite on a silicon wafer. Credit: Charles Godfrey and Hariom Jani. Researchers…

Quantum dark states lead to an advantage in noise reduction

Multilevel atoms on a superradiance potential “rollercoaster” inside an optical cavity. The system can be tuned to generate squeezing in a dark state where it will be immune to superradiance.…

Study finds quantum state of a rotating superfluid can discharge in three ways

Diamond quantum memory with Germanium vacancy exceeds coherence time of 20 ms

Precision in Quantum Network Operations: Laser beams finely tuned for resonant addressing and readout illuminate the GeV quantum memory. Credit: Katharina Senkalla. The color centers of diamond are the focus…

Scientists report first look at electrons moving in real-time in liquid water

Scientists used a synchronized attosecond X-ray pulse pair (pictured pink and green here) from an X-ray free electron laser to study the energetic response of electrons (gold) in liquid water…

A new design for quantum computers

Illustration of a quantum simulator with atoms trapped into a square lattice with lasers. The small spheres at the corners are atoms in their lowest energy state. The ones inside…

1,000 atomic qubits and rising

Altermagnetism: A Magnetic Family Member

Newswise — There is now a new addition to the magnetic family: thanks to experiments at the Swiss Light Source SLS, researchers have proved the existence of altermagnetism. The experimental…