Brookhaven Lab Sets Sights on Particle Physics Goals

Newswise — As the particle physics community releases its strategic plan for the next 10 years and overall vision for the next 20, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s…

Testing the Gallium Anomaly

The Science Scientists have confirmed possible evidence of a new elementary particle, the sterile neutrino. These particles, if they exist, interact only via gravity, not any of the other forces in…

Researchers demonstrate that quantum entanglement and topology are inextricably linked

Conceptual illustration of the entangled Skyrmion topology. Each photon contributes to the emerging topology that only exists as a combined entity of the two photons. Credit: Wits University For the…

Some mosquitoes like it hot

Newswise — Certain populations of mosquitoes are more heat tolerant and better equipped to survive heat waves than others, according to new research from Washington University in St. Louis. This…

Spintronic boost for sizzling devices

Newswise — Spintronic devices are electronic devices that utilize the spin of electrons (an intrinsic form of angular momentum possessed by the electron) to achieve high-speed processing and low-cost data…

A method to straighten curved space-time

One of the greatest challenges of modern physics is to find a coherent method for describing phenomena, on the cosmic and microscale. For over a hundred years, to describe reality…

Can heat crack the tetraneutron code?

Newswise — Tetraneutron is an elusive atomic nucleus consisting of four neutrons, whose existence has been highly debated by scientists. This stems primarily from our lack of knowledge about systems…

Short light pulses reveal hidden movements

Newswise — When electrons move within a molecule or semiconductor, this occurs on unimaginably short time scales. A Swedish-German including physicist Dr Jan Vogelsang from the University of Oldenburg has…

New insights on how light interacts with magnets for better sensors and memory tech

Revolutionizing light Interaction with magnetic materials. Credit: Amir Capua Professor Amir Capua, head of the Spintronics Lab within the Institute of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Hebrew University of…

Researchers propose conditions for maximizing quantum entanglement