The ‘marriage’ of 2D materials and 0D quantum dots

a, Schematic diagram of the nanosheet synthesis process; b, Schematic diagram of carbon dot synthesis process; c, Schematic representation of the composite structure; d, Colloidal properties of the composite material…

Superconducting nanowires detect single protein ions

Researchers show an old law still holds for quirky quantum materials

Newswise — Long before researchers discovered the electron and its role in generating electrical current, they knew about electricity and were exploring its potential. One thing they learned early on…

Researchers show an old law still holds for quirky quantum materials

An illustration shows strongly interacting electrons carrying heat and charge from warmer to cooler regions of a quantum material. A theoretical study by SLAC, Stanford and the University of Illinois…

Researchers invent new way to stretch diamond for better quantum bits

By “stretching” thin films of diamond, researchers have created quantum bits that can operate with significantly reduced equipment and expense. Credit: Peter Allen A future quantum network may become less…

Study finds more stable clocks could measure quantum phenomena, including the presence of dark matter

Parsing the Puzzle of Nucleon Spin

Newswise — NEWPORT NEWS, VA – Alexandre Deur has spent his career studying the mystifying spin structure of the nucleon — which is also one of the primary missions of…

Theory Offers a High-Resolution View of Quarks Inside Protons

The Science Newswise — Protons contain two up quarks and one down quark. New calculations predicting the spatial distributions of the charges, momentum, and other properties of the quarks within…

Researchers achieve quantum storage of entangled photons at telecom wavelengths in a crystal

Quantum tool opens door to uncharted phenomena

The temperature profiles obtained by the researchers show that particles that interact strongly with the environment are “hot” (red) and those that interact little are “cold” (blue). Entanglement is therefore…