Credit: Cleland Lab Researchers at the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (UChicago PME) have realized a new design for a superconducting quantum processor, aiming at a potential architecture for…
Category: Quantum Physics
Team seeks to set new standards in high-resolution microscopy using a quantum optics trick
Innovative quantum technologies entangle free electrons with photons. They could open up new avenues for promising applications in imaging processes. Credit: Dominik Hornof/TU Wien About 100 years ago, humanity learned…
Observing gain-induced group delay between multiphoton pulses generated in a spontaneous down-conversion source
Deformation of the photon pair shape with increasing spontaneous parametric down-conversion interaction strength (from left to right). Credit: Thekkadath et al. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) and spontaneous four-wave mixing are…
Experiment verifies a connection between quantum theory and information theory
With the help of a new experiment, researchers at Linköping University, among others, have succeeded in confirming a 10-year-old theoretical study that connects one of the most fundamental aspects of…
Physicists propose a quantum–optomechanical solution to dark-matter detection
Dr Maxim Goryachev, University of Western Australia An interdisciplinary collaboration between condensed-matter, quantum-optics and particle physicists has the potential to crack the search for low-mass dark matter. The proposed quantum…
Slow atomic movements shed new light on unconventional superconductivity
An SLAC research team discovered how an exceedingly slow process known as atomic relaxation changes in the presence of two of the quantum states that intertwine in cuprate superconductors. The…
A path towards applying topology in quantum computing
Simulation results for the “shortcut to adiabaticity” protocol. The Wigner function evolution for the Kerr nonlinear oscillator state during the protocol is shown for the two different initial states, one…
Infrared detectors made from quantum dots—a keener eye for the invisible
On the dot: Quantum dot-based IR detectors applied to an optic fiber. Credit: Empa What do motion detectors, self-driving cars, chemical analyzers and satellites have in common? They all contain…