Searching for dark matter with the coldest quantum detectors in the world

The experiment is at about a 10000th of a degree above absolute zero in a special refrigerator ; Dr. Autti (right). Credit: Lancaster University One of the greatest mysteries of…

Scientists achieve first intercity quantum key distribution with deterministic single-photon source

‘Acceleration beats’ shine bright light on a novel universal modulation regime in a semiconductor-based laser

(Left) A lighthouse with the green-color lamp that rotates with angular frequency ω. (Right) It’s spectrum for increasing rotation frequency, showing spectral wiggles close to the two Doppler-shifted peaks—the acceleration…

How does the flow profile affect flow measurements?

Scientists crack new method for high-capacity, secure quantum communication

(a) The experimentally retrieved (upper row) and theoretically predicted (lower row) density matrices of two selected quantum states. (b) Theoretically (left panel) and experimentally retrieved (right panel) probability-of-detection matrix. Credit:…

Quantum theory prevails in Leggett-Garg inequality test

A neutron beam (green) is split into two parts, which are then rejoined. Every single neutron travels along both paths at the same time. Credit: Vienna University of Technology Is…

The first exponential quantum advantage for a natural streaming problem

Theoretical computer scientists John Kallaugher, left, and Ojas Parekh find tasks in which quantum computers outperform normal computers, a concept called quantum advantage, at Sandia National Laboratories. Credit: Craig Fritz…

A new method to control quantum bound states in superconducting device

A schematic of a bilayer graphene Josephson junction device with a tunneling electrode. Credit: POSTECH Researchers have successfully controlled the quantum mechanical properties of Andreev bound states in bilayer graphene-based…

Researchers find magnetic excitations can be held together by repulsive interactions

New research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits

A diagram of an electron-on-solid-neon quantum bit. Credit: Wei Guo Quantum computers have the potential to be revolutionary tools for their ability to perform calculations that would take classical computers…