The role of nonlocal boxes in defining the boundaries of physical feasibility

Researchers solve a foundational problem in transmitting quantum information

How semiconductor defects could boost quantum technology

A superconducting qubit based on twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures

Right: Design of the flowermon qubit with a single d-wave junction shunted by a large capacitor. Left: Structure of the order parameter for twisting angles close to 45°. Credit: Brosco…

Researchers demonstrate multi-photon state transfer between remote superconducting nodes

Credit: Grebel et al. Over the past few decades, quantum physicists and engineers have been trying to develop new, reliable quantum communication systems. These systems could ultimately serve as a…

Expanded superconducting strips for enhanced photon-counting accuracy

Superconducting microstrip photon-number-resolving detector. Credit: Kong (SIMIT). Using single photons as qubits has become a prominent strategy in quantum information technology. Accurately determining the number of photons is crucial in…

Physicists detect elusive ‘Bragg glass’ phase with machine learning tool

New techniques for making qubits out of erbium

A laser fired at a sheet of titanium dioxide changes the configuration of the crystal where it hits – a technique, developed by the quantum startup memQ, that enables scientists…

A new state of matter with chiral properties

New ion cooling technique could simplify quantum computing devices

Image shows the ion trap used to control the location of computational and refrigerant ions. The device was produced by Sandia National Laboratories. Credit: Sandia National Laboratories. A new cooling…