Research offer direct view of tantalum oxidation that impedes qubit coherence

Left: This scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) image of a tantalum (Ta) film surface shows an amorphous oxide above the regularly arrayed atoms of crystalline Ta metal. Right: The STEM…

Progress on chip-based spontaneous four-wave mixing quantum light sources

A physical qubit with built-in error correction

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain There has been significant progress in the field of quantum computing. Big global players, such as Google and IBM, are already offering cloud-based quantum computing services.…

Experimentation explores defects and fluctuations in quantum devices

Device could jumpstart work toward quantum internet

Microscope photograph of a device that could jumpstart work toward the quantum internet. The horizontal lines are diamond waveguides, each about 1,000 times smaller than a human hair. Credit: Atatüre…

Single proton illuminates perovskite nanocrystal-based transmissive thin scintillators

First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures

Two diatomic molecules sit in an intermolecular potential, here represented by iron powder indicating the field lines through which two molecules are bound. Credit: © Christoph Hohmann, MCQST A team…

Physicists present new way to predict magnetic alloy properties with machine learning

Magnetic structure of a material. The colored spheres represent atoms and the arrows stand for their magnetic moments. The curved surface illustrates how the atoms assume the most energetically favorable…

New study validates method for guided discovery of 3D flat-band materials

Rice University postdoctoral research associate Jianwei Huang with the laboratory apparatus he used to conduct angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments on a copper-vanadium alloy. The experiments showed the alloy is the…

The first observation of a material exhibiting a supersolid phase of matter