Scientists move a step closer

Artist’s impression of cooled acoustic waves in an optical fiber taper. Credit: Long Huy Da A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light led…

‘Magic trap’ preserves quantum coherence in ultracold molecules longer than expected

Protons reveal universal phenomenon of maximal entanglement

A photon inside a proton can collide with a temporary complex of gluons, whose color charges (here shown in red, green and blue) can be collectively neutralized. Credit: IFJ PAN…

Higher measurement accuracy opens new window to the quantum world

Several innovations in the new sample rod including sample holder enable temperature measurements with the highest precision. Credit: D. Kojda/HZB A team at HZB has developed a new measurement method…

Physicists show how to detect higher-order topological insulators

One-dimensional surface hinge states characteristic of HOTIs. Researchers have shown how to detect HOTIs without observing such hinge states. Credit: The Grainger College of Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign…

Unlocking the magnetic superpowers of topological magnons

Forget about being clean, embrace mess

Within a dense system some terbium ions form pair states. Because of their unique properties, these pairs are blind to the single terbium ions nearby that would cause them to…

‘Sudden death’ of quantum fluctuations defies current theories of superconductivity

First direct imaging of tiny noble gas clusters at room temperature

Xenon nanocluster between two graphene layers, with sizes between two and ten atoms. Credit: Manuel Längle For the first time, a research team has succeeded in stabilizing and directly imaging…

Generating stable qubits at room temperature

Incorporating a chromophore in a metal-organic framework suppressed the molecular motion sufficiently to maintain the quantum coherence of the quintet state for more than 100 nanoseconds. Credit: Nobuhiro Yanai A…