New device opens door to storing quantum information as sound waves

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Quantum computing, just like traditional computing, needs a way to store the information it uses and processes. On the computer you’re using right now, information, whether…

Could quantum gravity models arising from holography explain cosmological acceleration?

New tiny atomic beam clock could bring stable timing to places GPS can’t reach

Directly imaging quantum states in two-dimensional materials

Left, ultrafast light pulses excite and probe a tiny sample of WS2 one layer of atoms thick, emitting electrons that are collected by a new detector called a momentum microscope.…

Photon pairs compress an electron beam into short pulses

Team finds ways to harness quantum power of atomic flaws

Researchers manufacture first-ever droplet-etched quantum dots that glow in C-band optical light

Exploring gravity’s effect on quantum spins

New cooling technology developed for quantum computing circuits

Researchers demonstrate direct comparison of spin-squeezed optical lattice clocks at record precision level

Optical Lattice Clock at JILA, Boulder. Credit: JILA Although today’s best optical atomic clocks can be used to make extremely precise measurements, they are still limited by the noise from…