An optical method to polarize free electrons in a laboratory setting

Credit: Pan and Xu Polarized electrons are electrons in which spins have a “preferred” orientation or are preferentially oriented in a specific direction. The realization of these electrons has notable…

Tiny quantum electronic vortexes can circulate in superconductors in ways not seen before

A new study by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stanford University revises of our understanding of quantum vortices in superconductors. Pictured, an artist’s depiction of quantum vortices. Credit: Greg…

Optical effect advances quantum computing with atomic qubits to a new dimension

The Talbot effect forms periodic patterns from laser light (simulation). Single atom qubits can be stored and processed at the high intensity points (red). Credit: TU Darmstadt/APQ Darmstadt physicists have…

The ‘breath’ between atoms—a new building block for quantum technology

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain University of Washington researchers have discovered they can detect atomic “breathing,” or the mechanical vibration between two layers of atoms, by observing the type of light…

New study explains interaction between quantized vortices and normal fluids

Visualization of quantized vortex ring above the plane (green curve), normal-fluid vortex rings (reddish half circles). Credit: Makoto Tsubota, OMU Osaka Metropolitan University scientists investigated numerically the interaction between a…

Understanding the tantalizing benefits of tantalum for improved quantum processors

How the humble neutron can help solve some of the universe’s deepest mysteries

Aerial view of the European Spallation Source, February 2022. Credit: ESS Scientists are unleashing the power of neutrons to improve understanding of everyday materials and tackle fundamental questions in physics.…

Quantum computing can help secure the future of AI systems

Skepticism about Microsoft results regarding robust quantum bits

Disorder in very thin nanowires can lead to measurement results that could be misinterpreted as evidence for Majorana particles. Credit: University of Basel, Department of Physics In March 2022, Microsoft…

Not yet tangible, but close

Numerical modeling results in a fraction-signature with typical pinch points (left) and should be observable experimentally with neutron scattering. Allowing quantum fluctuations blurs this signature (right), even at T=0 K.…