Not yet tangible, but close

Numerical modeling results in a fraction-signature with typical pinch points (left) and should be observable experimentally with neutron scattering. Allowing quantum fluctuations blurs this signature (right), even at T=0 K.…

Emergence of solvated dielectrons observed for the first time

Forging a dream material with semiconductor quantum dots

New skyrmion transistors propel quantum and AI research

Operation of a skyrmion transistor. a) Skyrmion transistor device geometry. The blue dashed box is a skyrmion channel. The red dashed box acts as a skyrmion generator and the green…

Study presents a new, highly efficient converter of quantum information carriers

An image of Dr. Michal Karpinski obtained using a standard Fresnel lens (photo: Mirosław Kazmierczak, source: University of Warsaw). Credit: Mirosław Kaźmierczak Light is a key carrier of information. It…

Quantum matter breakthrough: Tuning density waves

Illustration of a density wave. Credit: Harald Ritsch, Innsbruck University/EPFL. Scientists at EPFL have found a new way to create a crystalline structure called a “density wave” in an atomic…

Using nuclear spins neighboring a lanthanide atom to create Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger quantum states

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers have experimentally demonstrated a new quantum information storage protocol that can be used to create Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) quantum states. There is a great deal of…

Stable qubit is a prime candidate for universal quantum computer

PhD researcher is holding a PCB with two connectors and tweezers holding the quantum chip. Credit: QuTech Researchers from QuTech improved the so-called “Andreev spin qubit” in a critical way…

Innovative imaging technique uses the quantum properties of X-ray light

Wiring up quantum circuits with light

Artistic rendering of the experimental device with the beam optical photons (red) entering and leaving the electro-optic crystal and resonating within its circular portion as well as the generated microwave…