Team boosts metropolitan quantum teleportation to hertz rate

a, Aerial view of the teleportation system. Alice ‘A’ is located at network’s switching room, Bob ‘B’ and Charlie ‘C’ are located at two separated laboratories. All fibers connecting the…

Study demonstrates construction of monoatomic lead layers with specially developed method for the first time

Chritran Ghosal (r.) and Dr Philip Schädlich examine the electronic properties of the 2D meat layers in a laboratory at the TUC’s Institute of Physics. Credit: Franziska Schölzel, Chemnitz University…

A quantum radar that outperforms classical radar by 20%

Optical image of the superconducting circuit at the core of the quantum radar experiment. By pumping the ring of tunnel junctions (purple zoom in), the resonator (blue) gets entangled with…

Experiments reveal nexus of vibrational and electronic dynamics

Study finds a solution to longstanding problem of ultrafast valley decoherence

a, Top Row – Schematic of the hBN-MoS₂-hBN (HMH) stack. Bottom Row (Left) – Linear polarization resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the HMH stack, showing ~37% degree of linear polarization…

Researchers observe strongest quantum contextuality in single system

New theory for a periodically driven quantum dot–cavity system

Optical micrograph of the DQD–cavity composite device. Credit: Gu Sisi et al A team led by Prof. Guo Guoping and Prof. Cao Gang from the University of Science and Technology…

Unveiling synchronization preferences of quantum thermal machines

(a) Schematic diagram of the quantum thermal machine considered. The red and blue rectangles represent hot and cold baths, the horizontal lines represent the quantum energy levels of the working…

Researchers chart future for use of quantum computing in particle physics

What does the Standard Model predict for the magnetic moment of the muon?

The high-energy physics community is eagerly anticipating the announcement of the world’s best measurement from the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment later this year, while the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative is…