Category: Quantum Physics
New ALICE results shed light on the nature of gluonic matter at the Large Hadron Collider
Illustration of an ultra-peripheral collision where the two lead ion beams at the LHC pass by close to each other without colliding. Photons emitted from one beam strike the other,…
Researchers establish criterion for nonlocal quantum behavior in networks
Entangled quantum objects can be used to network separated systems. The researchers demonstrate what is needed for nonlocal correlations, a requirement for a useful quantum network. Credit: The Grainger College…
ATLAS experiment reports fundamental properties of strong interactions
by The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences Protons accelerated almost to the speed of light can collide similarly to billiard balls. However, since protons are…
An inhomogeneous Dirac cone system gives rise to in-plane chiral Landau levels
a, The chiral zeroth Landau levels exhibit distinctive chiral transport characteristics. By introducing an inhomogeneous effective mass that linearly depends on the coordinate, the Dirac cone system generates a synthetic…
Laser pulse creates exotic order in quantum material
A layered crystal on a sample carrier made of gold. The material studied consists of thin layers of tantalum and sulfur atoms stacked in loose association. The image displays a…