Millisecond coherence reached for fluxonium qubit

A quantum Szilard engine that can achieve two-level system hyperpolarization

Physicists uses light to build complex structures

Petr Steindl. Credit: Leiden University Ph.D. candidate Petr Steindl creates complex structures of light using single photons. As a teenager, he wanted to study Czech poetry but decided on quantum…

Scientists discover Rydberg moiré excitons

Scientists edge toward scalable quantum simulations on a photonic chip

A new system developed by researchers at the University of Rochester allows them to conduct quantum simulations in a synthetic space that mimics the physical world by controlling the frequency,…

Research students turn Schrödinger’s cat on its head

Students in the laboratory presenting rotation of Schrödinger cat states. No actual cats were hurt during the project. Credit: S. Kurzyna and B. Niewelt, source: University of Warsaw Students at…

Discovering evidence of superradiance in the alpha decay of mirror nuclei

Mirror nuclei, such as 18O & 18Ne, have the same number of protons & neutrons (18),but while 18O has 8 protons & 10 neutrons 18Ne has 10 protons & 8…

Researchers develop cryogenic integrated quantum entangled light source

New superconducting state could be significant for quantum computing future

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Scientists using one of the world’s most powerful quantum microscopes have made a discovery that could have significant consequences for the future of computing. Researchers at…

Discovery of pair density wave state in a two-dimensional high-Tc iron-based superconductor

Figure 1 (a) An STM topographic image of the domain wall structure (bright line) in 1-UC Fe(Te,Se)/STO. (b) The schematic of the domain wall in 1-UC Fe(Te,Se)/STO, illustrating the compression…