Quantum breakthrough may lead to sustainable chiral spintronics

Rendering of the tilting of relativistic Dirac cones in the bulk electronic bands of a quasi-two-dimensional (2D) magnetic topological semimetal achieved with insertion of hydrogen that generates tunable low-dissipation chiral…

Valence electrons’ role in magnetism of molecular crystals explored

Record cold quantum refrigerator paves way for reliable quantum computers

The new quantum refrigerator—the square object in the center of the qubit in the image—is based on superconducting circuits and powered by heat from the environment. It can autonomously cool…

Mathematical methods point to possibility of particles long thought impossible

Physicists achieve simulation of non-Hermitian skin effect in 2D with ultracold fermions

Atoms accumulate at the edge with non-Hermiticity introduced through dissipation in two dimensions. Credit: HKUST A research team led by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has…

Fabricating single-photon detectors from superconducting aluminum nanostrips

Illustration of the detection process in an SNSPD. Credit: Hui Zhou In quantum computers, information is often carried by single photons and picked up by structures named superconducting nanostrip single-photon…

When nature reveals its natural laws

Credit: Oliver Diekmann/TU Wien Quantum physics is a very diverse field: it describes particle collisions shortly after the Big Bang as well as electrons in solid materials or atoms far…

Quantum phase transition in indium oxide films defies superconductor norms

Secret lab developing UK’s first quantum clock

A strontium atomic clock, pictured in a lab at the University of Colorado Boulder in the United States. A top-secret lab in the UK is developing the country’s first quantum…

A new calculation of the electron’s self-energy improves determination of fundamental constants