The link between fuzzy images and quantum fields

A deep-learning technique known as generative diffusion is used to generate new clear images in image processing. RIKEN-led research has now shown that a similar technique can be applied to…

New 2D quantum sensor detects temperature anomalies and magnetic fields

Experimental set up of hBN quantum sensor from UTS and RMIT. Credit: RMIT University Researchers at TMOS, the ARC Center of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems, and their collaborators at…

X-ray imagery of vibrating diamond opens avenues for quantum sensing

Results of mechanical Rabi measurements. Credit: Physical Review Applied (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.22.024016 The APS’s high-resolution images enabled the team to measure the atoms’ movement near the diamond’s NV centers to…

After AI, quantum computing eyes its ‘Sputnik’ moment

Cambridge-based Riverlane produces a chip that detects and corrects the errors currently holding back quantum computing. Quantum computing promises society-changing breakthroughs in drug development and tackling climate change, and on…

Physicists develop new method to combine conventional internet with the quantum internet

In their experiment, the researchers can change the color of a laser pulse with a high-speed electrical signal so that it matches the color of the entangled photon. This effect…

New light source emits bright, entangled photons for quantum communication

Cold antimatter for quantum state-resolved precision measurements

2D nano-semiconductors advancing quantum technology

An artist’s rendering of moiré excitons in a nano-semiconductor. Credit: KyotoU/Matsuda Lab Quantum technology is quantifiable in qubits, which are the most basic unit of data in quantum computers. The…

Can quantum particles mimic gravitational waves?

Experiment uses quantum techniques to stimulate photons, enhancing search for dark matter

Akash Dixit, a former University of Chicago postdoctoral researcher, participated in the project at Fermilab to stimulate photon emission. Credit: Ryan Postel, Fermilab Scientists cannot observe dark matter directly, so…