Scientists use laser fields to precisely measure and control electron emission of metals

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain By superimposing two laser fields of different strengths and frequency, the electron emission of metals can be measured and controlled precisely to a few attoseconds. Physicists…

Organic light-emitting diodes can be harnessed to map magnetic fields

Existing magnetic field imaging equipment tends to be large and expensive, but this research marks the next step in the development of quantum sensing. Credit: Shutterstock/ PopTika Smartphones could one…

Scientists demonstrate unprecedented sensitivity in measuring time delay between two photons

Scientists create a longer-lasting exciton that may open new possibilities in quantum information science

A quantum leap in computational performance of quantum processors

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A project led by a group of researchers from Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with TII—the Quantum Research Center in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is…

Scientists reconstruct full state of a quantum liquid

In the heart of the experimental setup sits the Atomchip in a vacuum chamber in Schmiedmayer lab at the Atominstitut of TU Wien in Vienna. Credit: Thomas Schweigler A team…

Simulations with a machine learning model predict a new phase of solid hydrogen

Phases of solid hydrogen. The left is the well-studied hexagonal close packed phase, while the right is the new phase predicted by the authors’ machine learning-informed simulations. Image by Wesley…

Communication about quantum technology offers many opportunities (but there are risks too)

Ultra-miniaturized non-classical light sources for quantum devices

Heaviest Schrödinger cat achieved by putting a small crystal into a superposition of two oscillation states

Scientists at ETH Zurich have made progress in creating heavier Schrödinger cats, which can be alive (top) and dead (bottom) at the same time. Credit: ETH Zurich Even if you…