NASA’s InSight lander has recorded the largest Marsquake yet

Any Martians out there should learn to duck and cover. On May 4, the Red Planet was rocked by a roughly magnitude 5 temblor, the largest Marsquake detected to date,…

We finally have an image of the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way

There’s a new addition to astronomers’ portrait gallery of black holes.  Astronomers announced May 12 that they have finally assembled an image of the supermassive black hole at the center…

The sun’s searing radiation led to the shuffling of the solar system’s planets

In the solar system’s early years, the still-forming giant planets sidestepped, did a do-si-do and then swung one of their partners away from the sun’s gravitational grasp. Things settled, and…

Bilayer graphene inspires two-universe cosmological model

A curved and stretched sheet of graphene laying over another curved sheet creates a new pattern that impacts how electricity moves through the sheets. A new model suggests that similar…

Lava and frost may form the mysterious lumps on Jupiter’s moon Io

On Jupiter’s moon Io, lava creeping beneath frost may give rise to fields of towering dunes. That finding, described April 19 in Nature Communications, suggests that dunes may be more…

Gravitational waves gave a new black hole a high-speed ‘kick’

This black hole really knows how to kick back. Scientists recently observed two black holes that united into one, and in the process got a “kick” that flung the newly…

‘Goldilocks’ stars may pose challenges for any nearby habitable planets

If you’re an aspiring life-form, you might want to steer clear of planets around orange dwarf stars. Some astronomers have called these orange suns “Goldilocks stars” (SN: 11/18/09). They are…

U.S. planetary scientists want to explore Uranus and Enceladus next

The continuing search for life beyond Earth is driving many of the priorities for what’s next when it comes to U.S. planetary exploration. In a new report that could shape…

Europa may have much more shallow liquid water than scientists thought

Europa’s frozen surface is covered with distinctive pairs of ridges that straddle troughs of ice. These double ridges are the most common features on the Jovian moon. But scientists don’t…

Here’s how NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has spent 1 year on Mars

One year ago, Ingenuity took its first flight on Mars. And its story since is that of a real-world little helicopter that could. Ingenuity traveled to the Red Planet attached…