How the GOES U satellite will change Earth and space weather forecasts forever

I remember in college in the late 2000s learning about forecasting weather. My classmates and I would hand draw maps with the current weather systems and then we’d look at…

Boeing Starliner’s return to Earth delayed again

Boeing’s Starliner blasted off from Florida following years of delays and safety scares — as well as two recently aborted launch attempts that came as astronauts were already strapped in…

Einstein’s other theory of gravity could have the recipe to relieve ‘Hubble trouble’

An illustration of distant quasar, supermassive black hole-powered objects that can be used to constrain the parameters of theories of gravity. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser A recent study has investigated teleparallel…

New model suggests partner anti-universe could explain accelerated expansion without the need for dark energy

A depiction of a universe-antiuniverse pair. Credit: Wikipedia, CC The accelerated expansion of the present universe, believed to be driven by a mysterious dark energy, is one of the greatest…

Hubble Space Telescope glimpses spiral galaxy UGC 9684

This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope highlights the spiral galaxy UGC 9684. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick The celestial object showcased in this image from the NASA/ESA…

Scientists bring cosmic explorations to smartphones

By using a phone camera and a new set of Instagram augmented reality filters, anyone can dive into the cosmic depths of space, encountering nebulae, pulsars and even remnants of…

Dark energy survey looks 11 billion years into the past, reveals most detailed view ever of expanding universe

Researchers have reported new measurements of dark energy and its effect on the expanding universe using first-year data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Survey. An artistic celebration of the…

Unusually Lightweight Black Hole Candidate Spotted by LIGO

In May 2023, shortly after LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) turned back on for its fourth run of observations, it detected a gravitational-wave signal from the collision of an object,…

Physicists solve puzzle about ancient galaxy found by Webb telescope

Photo shows from L to R: Hai-Bo Yu, Demao Kong, and Daneng Yang. Credit: Hai-Bo Yu, UC Riverside. Last September, the James Webb Space Telescope, or JWST, discovered JWST-ER1g, a…

Innovative sensing platform unlocks ultrahigh sensitivity in conventional sensors

Optical sensors serve as the backbone of numerous scientific and technological endeavors, from detecting gravitational waves to imaging biological tissues for medical diagnostics. These sensors use light to detect changes…