Vast bubble of galaxies discovered, given Hawaiian name

The red region (left) shows the shell enclosed by the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation, with individual galaxies depicted as luminous tiny specks. The blue filaments show the greater Cosmic Web, with…

It’s going to take more than early dark energy to resolve the Hubble tension

Hubble tension has gotten worse lately. Credit: Perivolaropoulos and Skara Our best understanding of the universe is rooted in a cosmological model known as LCDM. The CDM stands for cold…

New ring galaxy discovered by Indian astronomers

Optical color composite image of the galaxy DJ0240. Credit: Krishna et al., 2023. By analyzing the data from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (DECaLS), astronomers from the Christ University…

Next major X-ray mission set to launch

XRISM spacecraft. Credit: JAXA The X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) is ready to launch on 7 September 2023 to observe the most energetic objects and events in the cosmos.…

Unprecedented Gamma-Ray Burst Explained By Long-Lived Jet

First large-scale numerical simulation of black hole-neutron star merger and resulting gamma-ray burst matches puzzling observations. Last year, Northwestern University researchers reported new observational evidence that long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can result…

Newly Discovered Exoplanet Has Longest Orbit Yet Detected by the TESS Mission

The frosty gas giant exoplanet was discovered in a system that also hosts a warm Jupiter. Of the more than 5,000 planets that exist beyond our solar system, most orbit…

NASA spots new Moon crater, likely caused by crashed Russian probe

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted a small new crater on the Moon that is the probable impact point of Russia’s Luna-25 probe. NASA has spotted a small new crater on…

Using Supernovae to Study Neutrinos’ Strange Properties

In a new study, researchers have taken an important step toward understanding how exploding stars can help reveal how neutrinos, mysterious subatomic particles, secretly interact with themselves.  Cassiopeia A (Cas…

India launches next space mission

The latest mission in India’s ambitious space program blasted off Saturday. The latest mission in India’s ambitious space program blasted off Saturday on a voyage towards the center of the…

New JWST images of Supernova 1987A’s keyhole could unlock mysteries of exploding stars, astronomers claim

According to an international team of scientists, new images of a supernova and its remnant 168,000 light years from Earth have revealed clues about how exploding stars develop over time.…