Foodtech start-up ChickP shares functional potential of plant-based cheese analogues

More than two years ago, the company started commercial production​ of its 90% chickpea isolate, which “can be the next-gen of plant-based protein to replace animal protein,​” Levy said. ChickP has shown that its ingredient can be used in meat alternatives, egg replacements, and other dairy applications beyond cheeses. 

Addressing formulation challenges of plant-based cheeses

When creating plant-based cheeses, food companies need to mimic the taste and texture of animal-based products and avoid unwanted ingredients in their formulations, Levy noted. CPG companies can use ChickP’s chickpea isolate “to create cheese with texture similar to the real thing … whether it’s the creamy cheese or the hard cheese,​” she said.

Typically, food producers overcome the challenges to texture by relying on stabilizers, but given the ChickP protein’s “unique gelation and emulsification capabilitie​s,” it can forgo added stabilizers like carrageenan and xanthan and guar gum.

And while “most of the products that you see in the non-dairy category are not fermented in any way,​” ChickP experimented with various cultures to create a plant-based cheese with probiotic benefits. The cream cheese contains coconut oil, starch, water, and other ingredients, and through fermentation with lactic bacteria, it imparts a tangy cheese-like flavor with probiotics, Levy said.

Are chickpeas the next big protein?   

Though the plant-based protein market is “mostly dominated today with soy and a bit with pea,​” chickpeas have the potential to gain market share, Levy said, explaining chickpea proteins can differentiate by providing more nutrition than other plant-based proteins and addressing the need for cleaner-label products.