CaMKII Can Be Regulated to Mitigate Alzheimer’s

Summary: The CaMKII protein, critical in brain and heart function, can be regulated to mitigate Alzheimer’s and heart conditions using three types of drug inhibitors. Their findings reveal that these…

How do pacemakers and defibrillators work? A cardiologist explains how they interact with the electrical system of the heart

Your heart’s job is to keep your pulse steady to pump blood throughout your body. Sometimes your heart rate is slower when you’re relaxing, and sometimes it’s faster when you’re…

Could a single drug treat the two leading causes of death in the US: cancer and cardiovascular disease?

What would you guess are the two biggest killers in the world? Based on media coverage, maybe you guessed gun violence, accidents or COVID-19. But the top two killers are…

Many people think cannabis smoke is harmless − a physician explains how that belief can put people at risk

Though tobacco use is declining among adults in the U.S., cannabis use is increasing. Laws and policies regulating the use of tobacco and cannabis are also moving in different directions.…

Prescriptions for fruits and vegetables can improve the health of people with diabetes and other ailments, new study finds

The health of people with diabetes, hypertension and obesity improved when they could get free fruits and vegetables with a prescription from their doctors and other health professionals. We found…

Annual numbers of excess deaths in the US relative to other developed countries are growing at an alarming rate

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea People in the U.S. are dying at higher rates than in other similar high-income countries, and…

Drugs that melt away pounds still present more questions than answers, but Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro could be key tools in reducing the obesity epidemic

In the past five years, several new drugs have been brought to market that could lead to a profound, if not revolutionary, change in how health care providers – and…

Obesity in children is rising dramatically, and it comes with major – and sometimes lifelong – health consequences

In the past two decades, children have become more obese and have developed obesity at a younger age. A 2020 report found that 14.7 million children and adolescents in the…