How its CGI revolutionized the film industry

Credit: Universal Pictures This month marks the 30th anniversary of a film that changed cinema forever. 1993’s “Jurassic Park” used pioneering computer-generated imagery (CGI) to bring dinosaurs to life in…

A lightweight block cipher based on dynamic S-box

Smart in-memory light sensors perform image recognition

The electrical resistance of the optoelectric memristor can be programmed by visible light. Credit: KAUST; Anastasia Serin Smart digital image sensors that can perform visual perception capabilities, such as scene…

Research team designs brain-inspired device for optoelectronic computing

Experiments show “Cells that fire together wire together.” Credit: Luis El Srouji, Yun-Jhu Lee, Mehmet Berkay On, Li Zhang, and S. J. Ben Yoo Perfect recall, computational wizardry and rapier…

I unintentionally created a biased AI algorithm 25 years ago—tech companies are still making the same mistake

Tackling the ethical dilemma of responsibility in large language models

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Researchers at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with international experts, have published a new study in Nature Machine Intelligence addressing the complex ethical issues surrounding…

Researchers say AI emergent abilities are just a ‘mirage’

Datasets used to train AI algorithms may underrepresent older people. Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain There seems to be no end to predictions of storm clouds when computers eventually decide to…

This algorithm can make satellite signals act like GPS

An online adaptive model for streaming anomaly detection based on human-machine cooperation

The processing flow of ISPForest. Credit: Higher Education Press LImited Company Anomaly detectors are used to distinguish differences between normal and abnormal data, which are usually implemented by evaluating and…

Solving computationally complex problems with probabilistic computing

Flowchart and schematic of a probabilistic (p-bit) stochastic nanomagnet network for scalable, energy-efficient computing of combinatorial optimization problems: a giant spin Hall effect (GSHE) layer converts input voltage into a…