Putting a premium on peace of mind

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Two out of five homes worldwide have at least one smart device that is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Soon, that new smart TV or robot vacuum you’ve…

Research team develops the fastest neuromorphic, electric double layer transistor

(Left) Schematic diagram of the electric double layer transistor developed in this research project. (Right) Significantly higher neuromorphic operation speed was achieved using this transistor compared to existing electric double…

Engineers use molecular additive to make new LED more efficient, but it is less stable

Eight green perovskite LED substrates in Congreve’s lab glow as researchers shine ultraviolet light on them. Credit: Sebastian Fernández Chances are, the screen you’re reading from glows thanks to light-emitting…

The present and future of computing get a boost from new research

Researchers introduce transparent optical imager with near-infrared sensitivity and touchless interface

Making headway in precision therapeutics with novel fully organic bioelectronic device

A vIGT array consisting of half a million transistors conforming to the complex curvilinear surface of the finger of Alma Mater, Columbia University’s iconic stature. Credit: Dion Khodagholy,Claudia Cea/Columbia Engineering…

Stretchy color-changing display points to future of wearable screens

Intel to invest $25 bn in new Israel plant: government

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain US chip giant Intel will spend $25 billion on a new plant in Israel, officials said Sunday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling it the country’s…

3D printing of glass without sintering

The new low-temperature process enables fabrication of a large variety of nanoscale quartz glass structures. (Figure: Dr. Jens Bauer, KIT). Credit: Dr. Jens Bauer, KIT Printing of micro- and nanometer-scaled…

Breaking through the limits of stretchable semiconductors with molecular brakes that harness light

Research Image. Credit: POSTECH Like the brakes that stop cars, a molecular brake exists that can prevent semiconductor chains from slipping, enabling the creation of more groundbreaking devices. Recently, a…