Biden’s clean energy tax credits likely to remain ‘law of the land’: Brainard

White House national economic advisor Lael Brainard said the IRA clean energy tax credits were now the law of the land. Most of Joe Biden’s clean energy tax credits are…

Global North energy outsourcing demands more attention, researchers say

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Manufacturing nations in the Global North are stockpiling energy and emission problems by outsourcing energy-intensive industrial processes to countries in the Global South, a new study…

Bumpy ride for electric cars in Europe

Sales of plug-in ‘zero emission’ vehicles have stalled in Europe. Electric cars are a key part of Europe’s green transition plans but the road ahead remains littered with obstacles with…

This device gathers, stores electricity in remote settings

A pyroelectrochemical (PEC) cell, is a device that converts thermal energy into electricity and stores it. Credit: Brian Maffly Today wirelessly connected devices are performing an expanding array of applications,…

Study shows renewable energy could partially replace diesel fuel to power instruments, provide heat at South Pole

The arrangement of solar panel arrays sketched out in the study. The panels are aligned to catch sunlight along the horizon at virtually any time of day during austral summer.…

Berkeley’s backtrack on gas ban won’t stop the electrification trend

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Berkeley’s agreement to throw out its first-in-the-nation ban on gas hookups in new buildings after losing a court challenge might seem like a big loss for…

US nuclear industry upbeat on small reactors, despite setback

Several nations have moved to phase out nuclear plants, but small modular reactor (SMR) manufacturers believe they can convince wary customers. Despite the recent cancellation of a next-generation US nuclear…

AI may develop a huge carbon footprint, but it could also be a critical ally in the fight against climate change

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has been cast as a problem in the urgent, international effort to tackle climate change. As AI plays a greater role in…

Zap! California startup touts its new battery technology as a fast-charging ‘universal adapter’

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Officials at a startup based in Carlsbad, California, expect a battery technology they have engineered will transform the way e-bikes and electric-powered hand-held tools are charged.…

China’s green-tech manufacturing powerhouse

China is a manufacturing powerhouse, and also dominates the production of green tech such as solar panels. China has extended its manufacturing domination to clean energy industries in recent years,…