Altitude sickness is typically mild but can sometimes turn very serious − a high-altitude medicine physician explains how to safely prepare

Equipped with the latest gear and a thirst for adventure, mountaineers embrace the perils that come with conquering the world’s highest peaks. Yet, even those who tread more cautiously at…

Women get far more migraines than men – a neurologist explains why, and what brings relief

A migraine is far more than just a headache – it’s a debilitating disorder of the nervous system. People who have migraines experience severe throbbing or pulsating pain, typically on…

Strep throat can easily be confused with throat infections caused by viruses – here are a few ways to know the difference

“My sore throats, you know, are always worse than anybody’s.” So declares Mary to Anne in “Persuasion,” Jane Austen’s 1817 book. Most of us can relate to this feeling. There…