Gonorrhea shot gets FDA fast track as resistant cases multiply

Credit: CDC GSK Plc’s experimental gonorrhea vaccine got fast-track designation from U.S. regulators, putting the shot in position to become the first preventive for a common, often-undetected infection that’s gaining…

How heart attack and stroke survivors can prepare for wildfires and hurricanes

Environmental disasters are difficult for anyone. For people with cardiovascular disease, they can be particularly risky. As wildfire and hurricane seasons kick into high gear, experts urge extra caution for…

Debate sizzles as meat eating hits new low in Germany

The greater availability of alternatives is likely one of the reasons why Germans are eating less meat. Florian Busmann used to enjoy sausages and steak on the barbecue in summer,…

Global study shows loneliness can shorten life spans

There is an epidemic of loneliness and isolation today, and the consequences can be deadly, researchers say. Folks who reported that they were socially isolated or felt lonely were more…

A nutritionist explains how those lost in the wild survived on bare basics

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Earlier this year, the Colombian navy rescued a sailor from Dominica who survived for 24 days on ketchup, garlic powder and seasoning cubes after his boat…

Social Isolation’s Health Implications: Unmasking the Mortality Risks of Loneliness

Summary: A comprehensive study underscores the alarming link between social isolation, loneliness, and heightened mortality risks. The meta-analysis, involving over two million participants, found a significant increase in all-cause mortality…

Lessons from the deadly 2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave

The heat dome that descended upon the Pacific Northwest in late June 2021 met a population radically unprepared for it. Almost two-thirds of households earning US$50,000 or less and 70%…

Solutions for a world on fire

As the eastern U.S. and Canada reeled from days of thick wildfire smoke in early June 2023, millions of people faced the reality of climate change for the first time.…

Medi-Mojis: Emojis Are A Game-Changer in Patient-Physician Communication

Summary: Emojis could revolutionize healthcare communication. These universally appealing and accessible symbols can bypass barriers of language, education, and age, offering an intuitive language system for patient-provider interaction. Researchers argue…

Adhering to global health recommendations reduces cancer risk

Credit: CC0 Public Domain People who adhere to global Cancer Prevention Recommendations are putting themselves at lower risk of developing the disease, new research confirms. Experts at Newcastle University have…