Poll finds Americans rate cigarettes as most unsafe, addictive substance among options surveyed

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain In a new national poll, Americans widely agreed that cigarettes are unsafe (84%) and addictive (87%), and yet a fifth (21%) reported smoking every day. The…

Jiving into Joy: Dance Sessions Elevate Health and Well-being in 85+ Age Group

Summary: Regular dance sessions can significantly benefit individuals over 85 years old, enhancing their physical activity, social interactions, and personal sense of youth. The “Dance On” project engaged 685 participants…

Long COVID can impact fatigue and quality of life worse than some cancers, finds new study

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Fatigue is the symptom that most significantly impacts the daily lives of long COVID patients, and can affect quality of life more than some cancers, finds…

Chemicals in cosmetics threaten college-age women’s reproductive health

When you walk through the personal care aisles of your local store, you likely see dozens of products that promise to soften your skin, make you smell better, extend your…

Close contact intervention between a mother and her premature baby may reduce risk of infant mortality by almost a third

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A method of care involving skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her prematurely born or low birth weight baby appears to impact the child’s chances of…

Want to know how processed your food is? There’s an algorithm for that

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Northeastern researchers have been busy trying to better understand the links between “ultra-processed foods” and human health through the university-sponsored Foodome project. As part of that…

Should your child detox from their phone this summer?

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Screens—whether they are phones, tablets, computers or televisions—are more accessible than ever now. Screen time is valuable to many children but might get excessive during the…

How raising tobacco taxes can save lives and cut poverty across the Asia-Pacific

Credit: Shutterstock The human costs of tobacco and smoking worldwide are huge. 1.3 billion people use tobacco, mostly in low- and middle-income countries. More than 8 million people die prematurely…

Research suggests no difference in health outcomes, care costs for patients treated by traditional MDs or osteopaths

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain New UCLA-led research suggests that patient mortality rates, readmissions, length of stay, and health care spending were virtually identical for elderly hospitalized patients who were treated…

New parents left unprepared due to UK Government health failures, report warns

Mothers and fathers left unprepared for parenthood by government health failures. Credit: University of Southampton Expectant mothers and fathers are being failed by the UK Government’s outdated public health plans…