Is Earth really getting too hot for people to survive? A scientist explains extreme heat and the role of climate change

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to My parents said the planet…

Why homes often feel warmer than the thermostat suggests – and what to do about it

Picture two homes on the same street: one constructed in the 1950s and the other in the 1990s. There are no trees or other shade. The air conditioning units are…

Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults – an aging population and climate change are putting ever more people at risk

Scorching temperatures have put millions of Americans in danger this summer, with heat extremes stretching from coast to coast in the Southern U.S. Phoenix hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius)…

Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults, and an aging population and climate change are putting ever more people at risk

Scorching temperatures have put millions of Americans in danger this summer, with heat extremes stretching from coast to coast in the Southern U.S. Phoenix hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius)…

Extreme heat is particularly hard on older adults – an aging population and climate change put ever more people at risk

Scorching temperatures have put millions of Americans in danger this summer, with heat extremes stretching from coast to coast in the Southern U.S. Phoenix hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius)…

As heat records fall, how hot is too hot for the human body?

Extreme heat has been breaking records across Europe, Asia and North America, with millions of people sweltering in heat and humidity well above “normal” for days on end. Death Valley…

Weather forecast accuracy is crucial in a heat wave – 1 degree can mean the difference between life and death

Weather forecasts have gotten quite good over the years, but their temperatures aren’t always spot on – and the result when they underplay extremes can be lethal. Even a 1-degree…