The COVID-19 pandemic transformed over the past five years from a catastrophic threat that has killed over 7 million people to what most people regard today as a tolerable annoyance…
Africa’s making progress against HIV, but donor funds are drying up—what must change
Credit: Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels Remarkable progress has been made against the HIV epidemic in the last two decades. However, a loss of momentum in fighting HIV across the…
Clinical trial reveals twice-yearly injection reduces risk of HIV infection by 96%
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain For oral medications that prevent new HIV infection to be effective, the patient must take certain actions, including attending doctor’s visits every three months and—most importantly—consistency.…
Half of Black gay men will be diagnosed with HIV, despite highly effective preventive treatments − why?
At a pharmacy in Iowa, a 42-year-old Black gay man couldn’t find a medication he needed. The pharmacist, a white woman, told him they didn’t stock that medication. But while…
How HIV/AIDS got its name − the words Americans used for the crisis were steeped in science, stigma and religious language
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first used the term “AIDS” on Sept. 24, 1982, more than a year after the first cases appeared in medical records. Those early…
Improving HIV treatment in children and adolescents, the right way
Blood samples from patients for viral load and HIV resistance testing. Credit: Christian Heuss, SolidarMed Globally, around 2.6 million children and adolescents are currently living with HIV, the majority of…
Inequities in HIV testing, diagnosis and care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Dispartities in HIV testing for people with intellectual disabilities is becoming a common challenge. Credit: T.G. James, Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S. People with…
Lack of access to health care is partly to blame for skyrocketing HIV rates among gay Black men
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Over the past 20 years, people living with HIV in the United States have seen a drastic improvement in their overall quality of life. But the…
African women living with HIV have an effective option to prevent malaria during pregnancy, clinical trial finds
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In women living with HIV, preventive treatment with DHA-PPQ is a safe and effective strategy to prevent malaria during pregnancy, according to the final results of…
Higher viral load during HIV infection can shape viral evolution
HIV infecting a human cell. Credit: NIH A new paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution finds that HIV populations in people with higher viral loads also have higher rates of…