Hispanic health disparities in the US trace back to the Spanish Inquisition

Many of the significant health disparities and inequities Hispanic communities in the United States face are tied to a long history of health injustice in the Hispanic world. The health…

A Two-Part Workshop for Latin American Researchers – Functional Ecologists

Speaker: Emma Sayer Workshop 1: 3-4:30pm GMT, November 28, 2023 – REGISTER HERE Workshop 2: 3-4:30pm GMT, December 05, 2023 – REGISTER HERE Are you a researcher in Latin America…

Health on the ballot as Argentina poised to elect ‘anarcho-capitalist’ bent on slashing social protections

The front-runner heading into Argentina’s presidential vote on Oct. 22 is prone to wielding a chain saw – both physically and metaphorically. Javier Milei, a right-wing libertarian whose brash demagoguery…