Manufacturers hope for AI boost in factories

Manufacturers see potential for artificial intelligence in the sector. Manufacturers are hoping for the artificial intelligence revolution to reach their factories, envisaging robots being used to repair complex machinery. There…

A model to automatically identify the sentiment polarity of specific words in written texts

The underlying architecture of the LMIAN created by the researchers. Credit: Zheng et al. (Connection Science, 2023). In recent years, computer scientists have been trying to develop effective models for…

Computer scientists create ‘believable’ human interactions in AI world of Smallville

Deepfake porn could be a growing problem amid AI race

Australian Noelle Martin poses for a photo Thursday, March 9, 2023, in New York. The 28-year-old found deepfake porn of herself 10 years ago when out of curiosity one day…

Elon Musk forms X.AI artificial intelligence company

A business filing indicates Elon Musk founded an X.AI corporation in the weeks before signing an open letter calling for a pause in developing such technology due to its risks.…