Google’s GameNGen simulates parts of video game Doom

Large language models can help detect social media bots—but can also make the problem worse

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain An external study of Twitter in 2022 estimated that between a third and two thirds of accounts on the social media site were bots. And many…

Team develops AI-powered tool to detect hate speech in Southeast Asian languages

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The internet, and particularly social media, have grown exponentially over the last decades. The nature of social media allows anyone to go online and create content…

How hardware contributes to the fairness of artificial neural networks

Fairness of neural networks. a. Illustrative example of neural network fairness awareness in dermatological disease detection. b. Process of model training with fairness awareness. c. New objective to be considered…

Advances in fiber-based wearable sensors with machine learning

The inner circle classifies fiber sensors into ‘Macroscopical’ and ‘Microscopical’ according to the fiber dimension. The outer pie chart shows the classification according to the working principles. Credit: Advanced Devices…

Innovating firefighting technology with smart solutions to enhance urban resilience

Data management and interoperation of tunnel fire digital twin system. Credit: 2024 Research and Innovation Office, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. All Rights Reserved. The increase in high-rise and densely…

Flexible multi-task computation in recurrent neural networks relies on dynamical motifs, study shows

A two-stage framework to improve LLM-based anomaly detection and reactive planning

Researchers use large language models to flag problems in complex systems

The new method could someday help alert technicians to potential problems in equipment like wind turbines or satellites. Credit: MIT News Identifying one faulty turbine in a wind farm, which…

Older Americans prepare themselves for a world altered by artificial intelligence

Barbara Winston uses a computer at her home in Northbrook, Ill., on Sunday, June 30, 2024, several days after taking an introduction to artificial intelligence class at a local senior…