High-speed railway track components inspection framework leverages latest advancements in AI

by KeAi Communications Co. Producer-consumer inference pipeline based on nodes parallelization and concurrency. Credit: Tang, Y., & Qian, Y. In railway maintenance, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep…

A hybrid data-driven framework considering feature extraction for battery state of health estimation and life prediction

Study finds ‘digital humans’ as effective as real ones in ergonomics training

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Could digital humans—realistic virtual representations of humans that communicate through text-to-speech and speech-to-text interfaces—provide online training that is as effective as that provided by real humans?…

OpenAI unveils voice-cloning tool

OpenAI says ways to verify people consented to having their voices immitated by artificial intelligence and to automatically detect audio deep fakes involving prominent people should be built in widely…

Generative AI develops potential new drugs for antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Acinetobacter baumannii. Credit: Vader1941 / Wikimedia / CC BY-SA 4.0 With nearly 5 million deaths linked to antibiotic resistance globally every year, new ways to combat resistant bacterial strains are…

Generative AI could leave users holding the bag for copyright violations

Credit: AI-generated image Generative artificial intelligence has been hailed for its potential to transform creativity, and especially by lowering the barriers to content creation. While the creative potential of generative…

‘Did you feel this AI cared about you?’ Startup announces ‘nursebots’

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Medical startup Hippocratic AI is collaborating with California-based tech company NVIDIA to develop empathetic health care agents using artificial intelligence. Described by Popular Science as “nursebots,”…

AI’s excessive water consumption threatens to drown out its environmental contributions

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Water is needed for development, production and consumption, yet we are overusing and polluting an unsubstitutable resource and system. Eight safe and just boundaries for five…

Top computer scientists say the future of artificial intelligence is similar to that of Star Trek

A model that could broaden the manipulation skills of four-legged robots

The legged robot ANYmal opens a fridge door using pedipulation. Credit: ETH Zurich. Robotic systems have become increasingly sophisticated over the past decades, evolving from rudimental stiff robots to a…