Medicines360’s long and winding, $82 million road to create and distribute $50 birth control

A client receives information at Mary’s Center, a community health center in Washington in 2018. The center is one of more than 2,500 publicly funded health clinics that has distributed…

Some hospitals ban vaginal birth after cesarean. A California obstetrician rebelled and won

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Annette Fineberg realized the policy was bull. The obstetrician’s patient—who was overweight, in active labor, delivering a premature and thus small baby—had previously undergone a C-section,…

Will having a baby leave you broke?

The Swiss maternity leave model helped reduce the declining fertility rate and improve work-life balance. Credit: Shutterstock Increasing the rate of paid maternity leave, so it is tied to prior…

New research expands insights into most adequate treatment for uterine descent

Credit: CC0 Public Domain When uterine descent requires surgery, various procedures exist. A randomized clinical trial of the two most common uterus-sparing procedures in 26 Dutch hospitals has now been…

Postpartum depression drug heralds new hope for moms, says physician

For some new mothers, what should be a joyous time is anything but, due to postpartum depression. Credit: Emily Faith Morgan, University Communications The Food and Drug Administration announced Friday…

How abortion ban exemptions play out in a post-‘Roe’ world

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain This pregnancy felt different. After the heartache of more than a dozen miscarriages, Anya Cook was 16 weeks along. She and husband Derick Cook spent a…

US approves pill for postpartum depression

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The US Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved for the first time a pill to treat postpartum depression, a condition believed to affect around half…

Researchers find drugs that reduce infant death may lead to long-term health issues

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Steroids commonly offered to pregnant people with increased risk of preterm birth may be unnecessary and may leadto long-term health issues for the infants, according to…

E-cigarettes may be better than nicotine patches to help pregnant women stop smoking, reduce the risk of low birthweight

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Smoking in pregnancy can harm developing babies, especially their growth. Current guidelines recommend that pregnant smokers who find quitting difficult should be provided with nicotine replacements…

Oxycodone prescriptions after delivery not linked to longer-term opioid use compared to codeine

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Postpartum prescriptions for oxycodone were not associated with increased risk of longer-term opioid use compared to codeine prescriptions, according to new research published in CMAJ (Canadian…