Franziska Zahn, postdoc at University of Bayreuth (Germany), presents her work “Stable isotope analysis indicates partial mycoheterotrophy in arbuscular mycorrhizal woody seedlings in tropical forests”. She discusses the collaborative network…
Tag: plants
Studying at my Dream Site – Functional Ecologists
In this ‘Postcards from the Field’ blog post, Dr Diana Tataru – based at Tulane University – discusses their work on monkeyflowers in the beautiful Yosemite National Park, California! Diana…
A herbivore-induced defense- plant protein in honeydew enhances natural enemy fitness – Functional Ecologists
In this post, Pablo Urbaneja-Bernat, tenure track at Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (Spain), presents his work ‘Not just candy: A herbivore-induced defense- plant protein in honeydew enhances natural…
Growth-mortality trade-off in tropical tree seedlings is determined by stem elongation and soil fertility. – Functional Ecologists
In this new post Caicai Zhang, from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research at Dali University, shares insights from her recently…
Fewer bees and other pollinating insects lead to shrinking crops
Many plants, from crops to carnations, cannot bear fruit or reproduce without bees, beetles, butterflies and other insects to pollinate them. But the population of insect pollinators is dropping in…
Grasses adjust their root traits during drought to reduce the negative impacts on aboveground productivity – Functional Ecologists
In this new post, Manjunatha H. Chandregowda—a new ecological researcher working at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia—discusses his paper: Root trait shifts towards an avoidance…